Behind gill cover usually with a dar k blotchfollowed by a series of 6-7 vertical ovoid blotches alongthe upper flank. Eye yellow to red. Body compressed.Gape extends to behind the eye. Upper jaw with a mediannotch. A terminal mouth. Scales in lateral series notperforated posteriorly. Caudal fin forked and with blackmargin. Weakly developed lines on top of head usuallycovered by skin. Gill rakers on inner arches straight, notcurled. 30-33 ventral scutes forming a keel along the belly.Anadromous and prefers warmer waters. Migration inspring at temperatures above 22°C and pH= 7-7.4. Returnsat the end of summer. Maximum age 6 years, totallength 61 cm and weight 2.5 kg. Maturity at 2 years and25 cm total length in males, and at 3 years and 33 cm totallength in females. Sex ratio 1Male:2.4females. Twospawning periods, one during March-May and the otherduring July-August, on muddy bottoms. Absolute fecundityup to 1,616,000 eggs of 0.9 mm in diameter. Hatchingoccur within one day at an average temperature of23°C. Food include zooplankton and phytoplankton.