Silver y body. Back and head dar k olive andflank above lateral line with yellow iridescent tints. Bellyand lower head white. Bases of pectoral, pelvic andanal fins with orange to red pigmentation. A distinct pigmentationalong mid lateral line. Body relatively compressedand deep. Caudal fin forked and its lobes moderatelyround. Ventral keel commonly scaleless but may bevariably scaled. Head commonly deep and snout slightlyto markedly round, upper jaw slightly protruding overthe lower one. Tip of the mouth cleft slightly below levelof middle of eye or at about lower margin of pupil. Inhabitssmall streams, sometimes, large rivers with welloxygenatedwaters and hard stream beds at 5-20°C.Maximum age 3 years, total length 17 cm and weight 60g. Maturity in 1-2 years. Spawning in spring (peak inApril-June) at 13-16°C. Absolute fecundity up to 6,500adhesive eggs of 2.2 mm in diameter, laid on sand orgravel in fast-flowing waters. Food include bottom diatoms,insect larvae and terrestrial organisms on water surface.