Over all color silver y. Back br own, flankssilvery and belly white. A characteristic dark streak, aswide as eye, along mid-flank. Fins hyaline. Peritoneumbrown or light with large scattered melanophores. Teethstrongly hooked and serrated. A pelvic axillary scalepresent. Scales oval with wavy anterior edge. A ventralkeel usually extends more than half way from anal papillato pelvic fin insertion, often completely scaled.Swim bladder with a rounded end. Gut elongate and Sshapewith a small anterior loop. Males and femaleswith moderate-sized tubercles, widely scattered on topof head, snout and lining lower edge of jaw. Primarily afreshwater species and mostly in mid and lower reachesof rivers. Maximum age 5 years and total length 22 cm.Maturity at 1 year in males and 2 years in females.Spawning in May and June with a peak in May. Absolutefecundity up to 14,210 eggs of up to 1.5 mm in diameter.Food include plants, algae, insects, crustaceans,water beetles and spiders