Over all color silver y to light or ange. Backolive-brown and belly milky-white. Lips pale red. Operculumgolden. Fins bright orange at base and blackishdistally. Some scales darkened in younger fish. Peritoneumblack. Gill rakers reach second raker below orbeyond when appressed. Pelvic axillary scale present.Anterior pharyngeal teeth rounded and blunt, posteriorones spatulated with hooked tips. Two pairs of barbelsabout equal in size. A strong, smooth spine in dorsalfin. Mouth inferior, horseshoe-shaped and has fleshylips. Median lobe of lower lip well-developed in some.Gut with two anterior and posterior loops. Mature fishmove upstream to spawning grounds in April and spentfish descend to their original habitat. Maximum age 17year, total length 96 cm and weight 20 kg. Growth fastestin first year of life. Maturity at 3-5 years and 40-50cm total length. Sex ratio 2Males:1female. Spawning onfine gravels in shallow wide holes, in May to late June.Absolute fecundity up to 235,760 eggs with a diameterof 2.2 mm. A herbivore fish, food include filamentousalgae and higher plants and associated invertebrates