Back br own, belly yellowish. Mouth lar geand arched, lower jaw fleshy with a weakly developedhorny edge to lower jaw. Last unbranched dorsal spineserrated, but weak. One pair of medium size barbels. Pelvicfin origin equal or slightly posterior to the dorsal finorigin. Anterodorsal scales minute. A pelvic axillaryscale present. Scales with parallel dorsal and ventralmargins and a rounded posterior margin. Gill rakersreach second raker below when appressed in adults andnext raker in small fish. Pharyngeal teeth in main rowspatulated, crowns flat, narrow and curved. Gut elongatewith several long coils. Peritoneum black. Males withtubercles on head, back and anal fin. In springs withdense vegetation and gravel bottom with 14-17°C watertemperature and depth of 30-180 cm. Maximum totallength 31 cm. Males with 146 mm and females with 174mm length were mature. Spawning in May-July, at atemperature of 15-18°C. Eggs poisonous. Food includeaquatic insect larvae and filamentous algae.