Back and upper flank dar k br own or gr eenishblack fading to a silvery belly, overlained by an orangeto yellowish tinges. Fins greyish to reddish-yellow,blackish distally. Lips orange. Peritoneum black. Lastunbranched dorsal fin ray smooth, sharp-edged, thickenedand spine-like. Pelvic axillary scale present. Gillrakers reaching adjacent raker when appressed. Gut elongatewith posterior and anterior loops. Mouth terminal tosubterminal and lips weakly developed. One pair, sometimes2 pairs, of short and thin barbels at mouth corner.In still waters and slower sections of rivers. In summer itgoes to deeper sections of marshes, in the shade ofplants. Tolerates warm and saline waters. Maximum age9 years, total length 45 cm and weight 750 g. Maturity atage 1-2 years, at a minimum of 11 cm total length.Growth greatest in first year. Fine tubercles cover topand sides of head. No sexual dimorphism. Spawning inMay-July (peak in June-July). Fecundity up to 38,400yellow-orange eggs of up to 1.9 mm in diameter. Eggspoisonous. Food mostly include detritus, algae, diatomsand Invertebrates, in young, and aquatic plants, in adults.