Over all color silver y, back slightly dar ker .Scales outlined with dark pigment. Fins grey to hyalinefaintly pigmented with orange to yellow hues. Eye silverywith grey-brown pigment at upper margin. Peritoneumsilvery with numerous melanophores. Body relativelydeep and compressed. Snout rounded and overhangsupper part of thick upper lip. Lower lip thick witha rounded protuberance at its center. Posterior barbellonger and thicker. Scales regularly arranged over wholebody. Pelvic axillary scale present. Scales at anteriorbase of anal fin form a small sheath around bases of analrays. Dorsal fin spine tapers, thin and flexible at tip. Dorsalfin origin lies over pelvic fin origin. Anal fin reachesbase of caudal fin. Posterior margin of anal fin straight toconcave, that of pelvic fin straight to rounded and that ofpectoral fin concave to falcate. Gut elongate with anteriorand posterior loops. Gill rakers short and reach adjacentraker when appressed. Pharyngeal teeth roundedand with a hooked tip. In cloudy fast shallow rivers, in awide flood plain with a mixed bottom (sand, gravel,stone, pebbles, rock, etc.) and absence of aquatic vegetation.Maximum total length 155 mm. Food includeplants, insects and benthic invertebrates.