Over all color silver y-white. Back olive-brownwith bluish tinges and flanks and belly silvery-white. Dorsaland caudal fins greyish with black margins, other fins hyaline.Mouth transverse with a thick horny layer on lowerjaw. Scales cycloid but wavy anteriorly. Gill rakers short.Pelvic axillary scale present. Pharyngeal teeth compressedand narrow with a concave grinding surface. Teeth may behooked at the end. Gut with numerous anterior loops. Peritoneumblack. In lakes, reservoirs and rivers with stonegrounds and still waters. Maximum age 8 years, total length45 cm and weight 1 kg. Highest condition factor in seventhyear of age in April and May. Maturity during the secondyear, at 15-19 cm total length. Spawning in February-June,on gravel beds, in shallow waters with strong currents. Absolutefecundity up to 13,280 eggs with a diameter of 1.1mm. Food include diatoms, algae, insect larvae, eggs and fryof other fishes.