Back bluish-grey or brownish to greenishwith irregular spots. Belly light pink to yellowish-whiteor silvery-white. Fins immaculate or pink and dorsaland caudal fins with a grey tinges. Flank with a greenishmid-lateral stripe. Mouth transverse and inferiorwith a thick horny layer on lower jaw. Peritoneum darkbrown to black. Four short barbels present, the rostralones longer than maxillary ones. Pelvic axillary scalepresent. Scales elongate with an anterior focus and 9-10radii on posterior field. Gill membrane attached to isthmus.Dorsal and anal fins short and without spiny rays.Anus 4-5 scales in advance of anal fin origin. Gut verylong and complexly coiled. Gill rakers small reachingadjacent or second raker when appressed. In smallstreams with rocky or muddy beds and still or slow current.Prefers 18-22°C, pH=6.5-7.2 and little lighting.Maximum total length 146 mm. Spawning in summer.Bottom dwelling and prefers stony bottoms with rootsused for nest building. Food include algae, diatoms,macrophytes, detritus and insects.