Back bluish-grey to bluish-black, flanks silveryand belly whitish. Scales outlined with dark pigment.Eye slightly yellow. Peritoneum black. Last dorsalfin unbranched ray strong and serrated to tip. Breast coveredwith scales. Pelvic axillary scale elongate. Scalessquarish and deeper than long. Gill rakers short andtouch raker below or a little further when appressed.Teeth spatulated with broad, flattened crowns. Gut veryelongate with complex coils. Mouth usually transverse orslightly arched with a horny covering. Mouth crescenticin small fish. Mature males with large tubercles on snout,in a broad band below the nostril level. In habitats suchas rivers, streams, and reservoirs with temperatures up to37°C. Maximum age 8 years, total length 225 mm andweight 140 g. Females slightly heavier than males. Maturityat 2-3 years and at least 10 cm total length. Sexratio 1male:1female. Spawning principally in May andJune, some in early July, on gravel beds in shallow waterwith fast current. Eggs 1.4 mm in diameter. Food includeplant, insect larvae, crustaceans, diatoms and detritus.