Back and upper flank dar k or copperbrown. Flank scales silvery and outlined in black.Sometimes orange spots form a line below the lateralline. Pectoral and pelvic fin bases and part of operculummay be pink or orange. Peritoneum black or darkbrown. Young fish with a more horseshoe-shapedmouth than larger and older fish. Last dorsal fin unbranchedray variably serrated and thickened. A nakedmedian strip on back in front of dorsal fin. Gill rakersreaching to or past the adjacent raker when appressed.Usually with bipartite, rarely tripartite swim bladder.Pharyngeal teeth with spoon-shaped crowns. Males withtubercles on snout and anal fin rays. A depression infront of nostrils in adult males. Maximum total length132 mm. Minimum maturity size 40 mm total length.Spawning once a year from mid March to May. Absolutefecundity about 850 dark yellow eggs with a diameterof 1.2 mm. Food include filamentous algae, diatomsand some insects.