Back and flanks or ange-brown to goldenbrown.A blue spot on postero-dorsal edge of operculum.Dorsal fin with elongate blotches on the posterior half ofits membrane. A bluish tinge around the pectoral finbase. Paired fins light orange and other fins with orangetinges. Peritoneum black. Body elongated and almostcylindrical. Snout round, mouth inferior and crescentic.Upper lip well-developed, the papillose rostral foldweakly fringed. A papillose adhesive disc developedwith a free posterior margin. Two pairs of barbels. Scalesregularly arranged and only lacking on the anterior isthmusin some fish. A pelvic axillary scale present but notalways well-developed. Scales have numerous radii onall fields. Gut very elongate and coiled. Males developnumerous breeding tubercles around the snout and gillcover and bear a transverse depression anterior to nostrilson snout. Found in different altitudes and flowing waters.Maximum total length 178 mm. Spawning in summer.Minimum maturity size 54 mm total length. Food mainlyinclude detritus, periphyton and algae.