Body unpigmented and immaculate but r eflectsthe blood color. Gill filaments bright red. Small,black pigments over head that may indicate a rudimentaryeye. Gut contents visible through a semitransparentbody wall. Body compressed and headsomewhat flattened. Two pairs of barbels, one pair atmouth corners and one about half way along upper lip.Mouth subterminal and horseshoe-shaped, upper lip hasa feebly crenulated edge. A mental disc developed insome fish. Skin naked, except for a few rows behindpectoral fin base. Lateral line present. Anterior teethenlarged and conical, appearing as rounded knobs whileposterior teeth in main row flattened and slightlyhooked. Gill rakers very short, not reaching adjacentraker when appressed. Gut S-shaped and long. In a well-like natural outlet of a subterranean system whichoverflows during snow-melt period. Water temperatureabout 18°C, pH=7.5, and conductivity below 500 μS. Inaquarium tolerates 5-28°C and changes in oxygen levels.Maximum age 2 years and total length 55 mm.Food mostly include algae, also, zooplankton and crustaceans.