Over all color silver y to olive gr een, backwith dark blotches that extend to mid-dorsal line. Flanksand belly lighter. Eye yellowish. Fins with yellow to redtinges. A long tapering head. Two pairs of thin barbels.Scales regularly arranged, smallest on isthmus. Pelvicaxillary scale present. Gill rakers well spaced and justtouching one below when appressed. Pharyngeal teethhooked. Last unbranched dorsal fin ray strong with a lowdensity of denticles. Mouth terminal and horizontal andextends back to anterior eye margin. Lips thin to moderatewithout a median lobe to interrupted lower lip. Anteriorbarbel not passing nostril level and posterior barbelnot passing rear eye level. Nostril elongate and closer toeye than snout tip. Gut elongated and S-shaped with severalanterior loops. In large rivers and dams. Maximumage 10 years, total length 165 cm and weight 75 kg. maturityat 4 years. Sex ratio 4males:1female. Spawning inMarch-May, between large stones in deep part of riversand shallows of reservoirs, over gravel. A total spawner.Absolute fecundity up to 600,000 eggs. Food includefishes, crustaceans, aquatic insects and zooplankton.