Back bluish and flanks and belly silver y.Some with dark spots on flanks. Body round and relativelyelongated. A very high dorsal fin with a stronglydenticulated spine, higher than the head height. Bodymostly scaled except on anterior part of breast and belly.Shoulder scales larger anteriorly above lateral line. Analand pectoral scales larger. Anterior lateral line scaleslarger than those on flank. A narrow scaleless stripe infront of the dorsal fin. Pelvic axillary scale present. Scaleoval to round. Mouth inferior, transverse, and slightlyarched. Lower lip developed laterally and lower jaw coveredby a horny sheath in some specimens. Usually nobarbels. Gut very elongated and complexly coiled. Anteriormain row of pharyngeal tooth, peg-like, others spatulatedwith a deep central groove and crowns flared oneach side of groove. In ditches, rivers and lakes. Maximumtotal length 30 cm. Spawning in April at 20-30 cmtotal length. Absolute fecundity about 6,000 eggs with adiameter of 1 mm. Food mainly include scums and detritusand some filamentous algae.