Dar k or yellowish with small dar k br own orblack spots. Belly white. Fins reddish. Peritoneum darkbrown to black. Anal fin base with a sheath of enlargedscales. Body naked but a few scales in shoulder regionand along lateral line. No barbels. Dorsal fin spine weaklydeveloped and lacks denticles in adults, but well developedin young. Gut very elongated and coiled. Lowerjaw strong with a dark brown, horny plate. Pharyngealteeth have a rounded base becoming spatulated distallywith a rounded, hooked tip. Pelvic axillary scale present.Tubercles present on flank and anal fin. A very plasticspecies and can adapt to a variety of conditions. Adultsfavor main rivers, and young shallow streams and pools.Maximum age 8 years and total length 60 cm. Maturityin males at 2-3 years and in females at 3-4 years with aminimum total length of 21 cm. Absolute fecundity up to60,000 eggs with a diameter of up to 2 mm. Spawningfrom May to September. Food includes aquatic plants,insects, diatoms, algae, detritus and molluscs.