Over all color silver y, back and head dar kerwith indistinct fine dots. Melanophores on fins. Peritoneumbrown to black. Last unbranched dorsal fin raymoderately strong and serrated. Breast naked or sparselyscaled. Pelvic axillary process present. Scale sheatharound anal fin extends about half way between anal finand pelvic fin. Scales very small, horizontally ovoidand with an almost central focus. Gill rakers on lowerarm, long, reaching third to sixth adjacent raker whenappressed and serrated. Pharyngeal teeth spoon-shapedwith a slightly hooked tip. Two pairs of barbels, anteriorones not reaching eye and posterior ones not reachingbeyond the eye. Mouth slightly subterminal or terminalor lower jaw slightly projected. Gut elongate andcoiled. Spawning in rivers, in March and April. In theabsence of flow in rivers, female gonads reabsorbed.Tubercles on snout and scales in males. Maximum totallength 62 cm and over 2.2 kg. Maturity after 4 years at30-40 cm total length. Absolute fecundity up to 37000adhesive eggs with a diameter of up to 1.5 mm. A totalspawner with a synchronous ovary. Food include vegetationand small fishes.