Back r eddish-brown to grey-blue, flanks andbelly silvery. Paired and anal fins reddish at base, pinkdistally. Other fins grey to hyaline. Spawning fish developa wide stripe along the flank. Mouth inferior, snoutprojects over lower jaw. A naked ventral keel begins behindpelvic fin bases on belly and on back. Predorsalscales small and crowded. A pelvic axillary scale present.Scales at anal fin base form a sheath. Gill rakerssmall and reaching raker below when appressed. Pharyngealteeth slightly hooked. Gut S-shaped. Females slightlylarger than males. Males with black back, reddish bellyand fins and minute tubercles on body during spawningseason. Enters freshwater or brackish water for reproductionin March-April, at 10-13°C. It occurs inschools in lower reaches of rivers, in deep water overstone and gravel bottoms. Maximum age 9 years, totallength 38 cm and weight 1 kg. Maturity in 2-3 years oflife. Spawning at the end of April to June, at 16-20°C.Absolute fecundity up to 89,200 eggs with a diameter of1.4 mm. Spawning non-intermittent. Eggs deposited ongravel or stones with a current. Food include aquatic insects,crustaceans, snails, worms and algae.