Over al color pale yellow, back light br own,belly and lower head yellowish-white. Five lateral pigmentationzones exist. Anterior flank spots may merge to formshort bars. Head mottled with brown dots and a bar extendedfrom tip of snout to the eye. Base of caudal fin rays witha dark spot dorsally, much denser in pigmentation than flankspots. Some fish with a ventral caudal fin spot. Dorsal andcaudal fins with spots or bars of pigment arranged in 3-5rows. Other fins whitish. A postero-dorsal bar present insome fish. Iris silvery, slightly golden or orange. Male withthickened second pectoral fin ray and enlarged scale at thebase, and longer pectoral fins and barbels. Maximum age 6years and total length 80 mm. Reproduction in slow to stillwaters from April to June at 19-25°C. Absolute fecundity upto 3600 yellowish eggs with a diameter of up to 1.4 mm.Food include aquatic invertebrates and detritus.