Roftegar mahi-ye khaldarBiology: Back light br own, flanks pale yellow with aseries of dark brown blotches. A narrow stripe of brownspots on upper flank, between the series of dark spots.Belly and lower head yellowish white. Head mottledwith brown dots and usually a band from eye snout tip.Dorsal and caudal fins yellow-orange with dark spotsforming 3-4 bands. One or two dark spots at upper baseof caudal fin. Pectoral, pelvic and anal fins whitish withoutdark pigment. Iris silvery with golden or orange tint.Second pectoral fin ray thickened with a large basal scalein males. In lower reaches of rivers, on sand, mud ordense weeds with cool, clear running waters. Active atnight and solitary. Swimming by undulating motionsover short distances. Maximum age 5 years and totallength 15 cm. Maturity in its second year of life. Spawningfrom April to June in slow to still water. Absolutefecundity up to 8100 eggs with a diameter of 1.6 mm.Eggs laid on sand, stones and vegetation in several batches.Males use their enlarged pectoral fins to turn femaleduring spawning. Food include small crustaceans, aquaticinvertebrates and detritus