Over all color yellowish-orange. 5-6 spotsalong mid-line of back and about 20 brown to blackishspots along mid-flank, forming almost a stripe, especiallyin young. Caudal fin base with a dark bar. Dorsaland caudal fins with brown bars of spots. Upper lipnearly smooth and with a narrow median interruption.Lower lip more fimbriated and interrupted in middle.Scales minute and cover whole body. Lateral line almostcomplete. Gut short and without a posterior loop.Caudal fin truncated to forked. A long and shallow caudalpeduncle. Three pairs of barbels. Lateral line endingjust before caudal fin. Mature males with dense tubercleson head, body and fins. Pectoral fin longer and rays2-4 and somewhat 1 and 5 thickened, widened anddensely tuberculated in males. In streams and lakes,shallow running water, among stones and vegetation.Maximum total length 85 mm. Spawning in May-June.Absolute fecundity up to 7000 eggs of 0.8 mm in diameter.Food include insect larvae, diatoms and fish eggs