Over all color yellowish to gr eenish with severalbands along the flanks. Belly and lower head surfacelighter. Fin rays more or less darkly pigmented. Caudalfin with two bands of spots. A dark curved bar at the caudalfin base and two whitish spots above and below thebase. Barbel bases darkly pigmented. Iris silvery. No dermalcrest behind the dorsal fin. Caudal fin slightly emarginated.The dentiform process of upper jaw well-developedand fits in a lower jaw groove. Lips, especially the lowerone, strongly plicate. Eyes small and widely spaced. Caudalpeduncle relatively short. Gut straight posteriorly. Favorfast and deep waters with gravel and stone bottoms.Maximum total length 80 mm. Reproduction in springwith a peak in May. Absolute fecundity about 1300 eggs