Over all color yellowish with bar s or ir r egularspotting. No intense black spot at base of anteriordorsal fin rays. Head and all fins covered by dark greydots. Body elongate, thick anteriorly and posteriorlycompressed. Head depressed. Nostrils just in front ofeyes and weakly separated. Males have more muscularcheeks. Caudal peduncle long and bears an elongatecrest dorsally from dorsal fin to caudal fin and often, amore or less developed ventral crest. Caudal fin slightlyemarginated or truncated, rarely rounded. A developedpelvic axillary lobe present. Body minutely scaled witha relatively eccentric and large focal zone. Lateral linestraight and extends to caudal fin base. Processus dentiformisusually strongly developed but its notch on lowerjaw reduced. Lips smooth or grooved. Gut short witha single loop. Head conical with eyes in anterior half.Mouth strongly arched with three pairs of short barbels.Stomach syphonal and intestine straight. Gas bladdercapsule with a relatively short duct. In small salt rivers(3.5‰). Attains 110 mm total length. Absolute fecundityabout 1550 dark yellow eggs of 1.2 mm in diameter.Food include Aquatic insects and detritus.