Top and sides of body and head mottled orreticulated with grey and yellowish pigment. Belly andlower head surface light. Crest light creamy with reticulationpattern. Lateral line lighter than rest of the flank.Caudal fin with a series of 4-5 small spots. Other finswith dark pigment along rays. A dark bar at the caudalbase. Barbel bases darkly pigmented. Iris silvery. A welldevelopeddermal crest. Caudal fin slightly emarginated.Scales scattered on body posteriorly. Lateral line extendsalmost to caudal fin. The dentiform process of upper jawwell-developed and fits in a lower jaw groove. Lipsstrongly plicate. Eyes small and widely spaced. Gutstraight posteriorly. Cheeks bulged in males. Favor deeperwater and stronger current. Maximum age 5 years andtotal length 15 cm. Reproduction in April-June with apeak in May. Sex ratio 4males:1female. Absolute fecundity1180 eggs with a diameter of up to 2.8 mm. Foodinclude aquatic insect larvae and plants.