Upper head and body gr eyish, lighter ventrally.Dark spots along the back and flank, occasionallyfused. Fine spots scattered in a reticulated pattern onbody. Dorsal, caudal and often pectoral fins with dots inrows, other fins immaculate. Caudal fin base with a distinctblackish bar. Peritoneum light with grey speckles.Body scaleless. Caudal fin slightly emarginated, sometimes,forked. Dorsal crest or keel on caudal pedunclewell-developed. Anus placed well anterior to the anal finorigin. Lateral line extends to the base of caudal fin.Body slender and posteriorly compressed. Head long.Eyes small. Dorsal fin origin at mid-body. Mouth archedwith strongly furrowed lips with few papillae. Mentallobes reduced. Stomach syphonal and intestine straight.Gas bladder capsule with globular chambers and a shortduct. Maximum total length 160 mm. Food include algae,aquatic insect larvae, small fishes and detritus.