Over all color gr eenish, poster ior ly with 4-8broad, darker bands. In young up to 17 bands present.Last 3-4 bands extend onto caudal peduncle crests. Amuch darker and narrower band or two blotches at caudalbase. A dark spot at dorsal fin anterior base. Bellyand lower head whitish. Dorsal and caudal fins withthin bands comprised of spots lined up on fin rays.Crest short and thick, supported by procurrent rays ofcaudal fin. Dorsal fin origin lies midway between snouttip and caudal base or nearer to caudal base. The fleshypelvic axillary process not extending beyond end of pelvicfin base. Caudal fin slightly emarginated or forked,lobes equal or not, pointed or rounded. Scales absent oronly on crest in this case, small, oblong and widely separated.Lateral line extends nearly to caudal base. Caudalpeduncle short. Lips thick and furrowed and lowerlip widely interrupted. A dentiform process on upperjaw weakly developed. Anterior nostril with a largeflap. Posterior part of intestine straight or with a singleloop. Maximum total length 87 mm. Reproduction inMay-June. Sex ratio 1male:1.2females. Absolute fecundityup to 1250 eggs of up to 1.5 mm in diameter. Foodinclude insect larvae.