Head and body yellowish. 7-17 bars on body,sometimes irregular or interrupted. Caudal fin with a barat its base. Anterior dorsal fin base with a round darkspot. Head short with a blunt snout. Peritoneum lightgrey. Body posteriorly compressed. Eyes small and inmiddle or anterior portion of head. Mouth slightly archedand upper jaw with a reduced processus dentiformis.Lips slightly furrowed and mental lobes reduced. Maxillo-mandibular barbels longest. Nostrils near eyes with arelatively long tube on anterior opening. Caudal finemarginated or forked with rounded lobes. Scales with alarge, eccentric focus. Body anteriorly scaleless. Lateralline incomplete ending before dorsal fin origin. Stomachsyphonal and intestine with a single loop. The two globulargas bladder chambers connected by a relatively longduct. First pectoral fin branched rays broadened and withwide band of tubercles in males. Maximum total length58 mm. Reproduction in early summer and intermittent.Absolute fecundity about 800 yellowish eggs of up to 1.1mm in diameter. Food include aquatic invertebrates, especiallyinsect larvae.