Over all color br own to yellowish, back witha brown line. A series of flank blotches extending fromback to lower flank. A bar or arch of dark pigmentationat caudal fin base. Fins not spotted. Peritoneum lightwith dark pigments. Body of uniform depth and almostcylindrical. Lateral line short, ending before dorsal finorigin. Body scaleless. Eyes small and far apart. No processusdentiformis. Fins small and rounded. Dorsal finorigin behind level of posterior margin of pelvic fins.Anus closer to pelvic fins base than anal fin base. Caudalfin weakly emarginated. Lips simple and smooth. Headshort and flat. Pectoral fins large and horizontal and actas vacuum suckers. Fleshy pelvic axillary lobe fairlylarge. Stomach U-shaped and intestine short and straight.In clear to muddy waters, but favors gravel beds with astrong current where they attached to substrate with pectoralfins. Maximum total length 58 mm. Reproductionin June-July and intermittent. Absolute fecundity about2000 yellowish eggs with a diameter of up to 0.9 mm.Food include aquatic invertebrates and filamentous algae.