Over all color gr ey to br own with lar ge,round, black spots and blotches on sides. Fins with broadblack bars and yellowish edges. Broader than long adhesiveapparatus without pinnate lateral branches. Caudalpeduncle short. Gill rakers long, reaching beyond base ofsecond raker when appressed. Oblique osseus striae onfirst pectoral ray. Head and body covered with minuteand elongate tubercles. Tubercles present on base of finsand belly. Jaws toothed. Four pairs of barbels. Nasal barbelshort and not extending back to eye. Maxillary barbelshorter than head length and mandibular and mental barbelsprogressively shorter. Gill membrane attached toisthmus. Anterior and posterior nostrils close. Pelvic finwith a dentitioned spine. Small eyes covered by skin.Villiform teeth on mouth roof. Stomach muscular andgut elongated S-shape. In rocky and gravelly rivers ofmountain areas. Maximum total length 267 mm. Foodmostly include insect larvae and fishes