Males with light flank bar s nar r ower thanalternating dark bars, medial fins dark, but with clearmargins and black lines. Lower margin of pectoral findarker than rest of fin. In females, background silverywhite with small brown spots, fins uniformly yellow andflank bears alternating light and dark bars and caudal finwith an oval spot. Females longer and heavier thanmales. In fresh to saline streams and springs with muddybottoms, clear and slow-running water, 17-19ºC, pH=6.7,DO=4-6 mg/l, nitrate 1-1.6 mg/l. Maximum age 4 yearsand total length 67 mm. Sex ratio 1male:1.7females. Reproductionfrom April to November with a peak in Juneas a batch spawner on aquatic plants. Absolute fecundityup to 250 light yellowish eggs with a diameters of 1.7mm. Food include algae and aquatic insect larvae