Body dar k br own. Males with 11-17 white, silveryvertical narrow bands. Light flank bars much narrowerthan alternating dark bars. Medial fins dark with narrowsilvery-white borders. Anal fin marked with 2 cross rowsof white silvery spots at base. Lower margin of pectoral finand posterior portion of anal fin darker than rest of the fin.Dorsal fin base with a series of lighter spots and sometimesirregular. Females medial fins brown. Caudal fin spot infemales usually lozenge shape. Flank spots in femalesmuch lighter than caudal base spot. Females with yellowishtints on lower flank. In springs, qanats and small poolswith fresh water. Maximum total length 50 mm. Reproductionin spring. Food include filamentous algae and aquaticinsect larvae.