Body dar k br own. Males with 12-17 white,silvery vertical narrow bands. Light flank bars much narrowerthan alternating dark bars. Medial fins dark withnarrow silvery-white borders. Anal fin marked with 2cross rows of white silvery spots at base. Lower marginof pectoral fin and posterior portion of anal fin darkerthan rest of the fin. Dorsal fin base with a series of lighterspots, sometimes irregular. Females medial fins brownwith 3-4 cross rows of black spots. Caudal fin spot infemales usually lozenge shape. Flank spots in femalesmuch lighter than caudal base spot. Females with purpletints on mid-flank and yellowish tints on lower flank. Insprings, streams and small pools and lakes with fresh andsaline water. Survive in temperatures of up to 39°C andsalinities of up to 130‰. Maximum total length 57 mmand weight 2.4 g. Reproduction in spring. Food includefilamentous algae and aquatic insect larvae.