Over all color br own with dar k or light spotsand bars. Dorsal fin immaculate with darkly spotted orstriped base. Anal fin immaculate. Extremely thin, elongatebody encased in bony rings. Trunk rings 14- 18, tailrings 28-42, rings under dorsal fin 5-12 and brood pouchrings 15-23. Pelvic fins absent. Males with a broodpouch under tail. A euryhaline fish live and reproduce inwater at a salinity up to 60‰, over sandy or muddy bottomswith vegetation or detritus. Juveniles benthic for atleast 1 month after release. Maximum age 4 years andtotal length 65 mm. Sex ratio 1Male:2.2females. Maturityin first year. Reproductive behavior starts with mutualflickering movements. Distended genital papilla placedin anterior area of marsupium of male, folds in this areabeing separated and swollen. Eggs transferred and femaleretreats to substratum while male continues swimmingwith violent body contractions. Later, spawningoccurs again up to three times by the same pair or withup to 3 different males in less than 30 minutes. Absolutefecundity up to 150 yellowish to bright orange and translucenteggs with a diameters of up to 2 mm. A batchspawner and males can incubate several broods duringbreeding season which each lasts about 1 month. Foodmainly include zooplankton and zoobenthos.