Over all color yellowish to dar k br own ordark grey or greenish. 4-8 elongated dark brown spotsalong the mid-flank. Light spots, darkly rimmed, alongthe sides of head and near pectoral fin bases. Second dorsalfin branched ray tips white. Fins with rows of smalldark grey spots. First dorsal fin lacks a large spot but has3-4 series of spots and second dorsal fin has 2-6 series ofspots. Genital papilla dark grey. Nape completely scaledwith cycloid type. A large mouth with jaw angle belowanterior part of eye. Snout much longer than eye. Firstdorsal fin not higher than second one. Posterior nostrilclose to eye margin. In fresh and brackish waters, riversand lagoons and inshore waters on rocky and sand bottomsrich in higher aquatic vegetation. Moves inshore insea for spawning and retreats to deeper water to overwinter.Maximum total length 225 mm. Maturity at 1-2years. Spawning in April-June. Absolute fecundity up to3,500 eggs deposited on rocky bottoms. Males guard nests.Food mainly include fishes, also crustaceans, insects and clams.