Over all color silver y with a gr eenish -oliveback. Flanks with numerous minute brown spots abovethe lateral line, forming a darker stripe along the sides.Dorsal, caudal and pectoral fins with a light to evidentspeckling of melanophores. Body compressed and relativelydeep. Head small. Dorsal fin on the middle of theback. Caudal fin highly forked. Origin of anal fin oppositethe end of the dorsal fin. Peritoneum silvery butdensely speckled with melanophores. Pelvic axial processpresent. Gill rakers short. Gut shorter than bodlength. Males bear tubercles. In freshwater rivers andlakes. Maximum age 7 years, total length 190 mm andweight 150 g. A relatively fast-growing and short-livedspecies and females grow faster. Fish mature in 2-3 yearat 144 mm. Spawns in spring (peak in May) in middle ofrivers with slow currents and on gravel. Sex ratio1male:1.5females. Food include aquatic insects, crustaceansand plants.