Body elongated and cylindr ical. Snout ver yelongated, semi-conical and sharp. Four unfringed cylindricalbarbels under the middle of snout which do notextend back to the mouth. A single posterior dorsal fin.Ventral transverse mouth. Lower lip continuous with agroove. Five rows of scutes not interspersed by smallerstarry scutes. Gill membranes joined to the isthmus.Small spiracles present. Caudal peduncle semi-conical.Heterocercal caudal fin. Anadromous and prefers warmerwaters, staying near bottom on muddy, sandy or gravelbeds when migrating. Tolerates temperatures of 4-27°C. Maximum age 35 years, total length 218 cm andweight 54 kg. Maturity at 11-13 years in males and 14-17 in females. Spawning interval 3-4 years in May-Juneon gravel or stone beds at 12-14°C. Absolute fecundityup to 363,000 eggs of up to 3.2 mm in diameter. Foodinclude polychaetes in juveniles, and small fishes inadults.