Br eeding males light br own with ir idescentblue flank spots and white and brown irregular, narrowbars. Belly blue with pearl spots. Dorsal fin spottedlight blue on a bright orange background. Males outsidebreeding season less brightly colored with silvery onflanks and a brown back and irregular flank bars. Femalesgrey to silvery with 8-20 narrow bars on flankand a dark brown stripe on back. Female fins hyaline.Dorsal and anal fins twice as long in male and reachescaudal fin when appressed. Mouth with tricuspid teeth.Body covered by large cycloid scales. Lateral line indistinct.Peritoneum brown to black. Euryhaline (0-145‰)and eurythermal (up to 40°C). In shallow water andamong vegetation over various bottoms. Maximum age3 years and total length 8 cm. Maturity in first year atabout 3 cm. Reproduction throughout the year (with apeak in May-July). Absolute fecundity up to 73 matureeggs of 2.2 mm in diameter. Males defend a territory.Omnivore, food mainly include filamentous algae anddiatoms, crustaceans, insects and detritus.