Over all color br illiant silver with a goldenyellowglimmer. Back darker with a thin median stripe.Flanks with 6-11 roundish dark, grey-green spots, notclearly apparent in live fish. Peritoneum light to silverywith scattered melanophores. Lower jaw with a small symphysialknob. Mouth slightly subterminal, oblique andelongate. Mouth corner under the anterior half of the eye.A well-developed barbel under the nostril which lies in agroove between the upper lip and the infraorbital bones.Lateral line decurved and parallel to ventral body profilefrom pelvic fin origin to caudal peduncle. Pectoral and pelvicaxillary scales present. Gill rakers short and rounded,almost reaching the raker below when appressed. In runningand still water, from small streams to major rivers,over mud and pebble substrates. Tolerate temperatures of12-24°C, conductivity up to 10.5 mS and salinity up to15‰. Maximum total length 79 mm. Spawning in latespring to early summer. Absolute fecundity about 2,200yellowish eggs with a diameter of 1 mm. Food includeaquatic invertebrates and winged insects and spiders.