Flanks silver y with dar k pigment spotswhich may form a stripe. Paired fins orange to reddishand median fins grey. Dorsal and caudal fins with darkmargins. Peritoneum black. Mouth arched with a thinhorny layer on the lower jaw. Scales rounded in overallshape with indentations above and below, and anteriormargin may be wavy. Pelvic axillary scale present. Gillrakers short and reach the one below or just past it whenappressed. Pharyngeal teeth compressed and thin, butdeep with a long, thin and concave grinding surface.Teeth tips slightly hooked. Gut with numerous anteriorloops. Mainly in streams and rivers. Maximum age 5years, total length 31 cm and weight 250 g. Maturity at 2years of age. Spawning in spring, peaking in April. Absolutefecundity up to 16,220 eggs with a diameter of upto 1.7 mm. Food include bottom organisms such asaquatic insect larvae, detritus and vegetation scraped fromsubstrates.