Body pale yellow with 25-30 usually mergeddark brown spots or blotches, smaller than eye diameteron flank. Head darkly mottled and usually a dark stripeextended from eye to snout tip. Lower head and abdomenyellowish-white. Dorsal and caudal fins yelloworangewith rows of dark spots. Other fins whitish withoutpigmentation. Caudal fin base with a black spot.Body and head compressed and relatively deep. Mouthsubterminal. Subdorsal scales rounded with a reducedeccentric focus. Single lamina Canestrini, axe-shapedand relatively broad at base of second pectoral fin ray. Awell-developed laterocaudal process and a lateral processto suborbital spine. Females more stout than males andreach a longer body length. Male barbels and pectoralfins longer. Maximum age 6 years, total length 93 mmand weight 6.2 g. Sex ratio 1male:1.33females. Reproductionin spring with a peak in early May. Absolute fecundityup to 3562 yellowish eggs with a diameter of upto 1.4 mm. Food include aquatic invertebrates and detritus.