Over all color yellowish-white with goldentint. Flanks variably spotted and striped. Back Mid-linewith a row of 7-11 rounded spots. Dark brown lateralspots reduced. Males with two Canestrini's scales at upperbases of first two pectoral fin rays. Laterocaudalbranch of suborbital spine reduced or absent. Upper headand snout covered with many dots. Iris golden-yellow. Ablackish band from eye to mouth corner. A vertical darkstripe spot on caudal fin base. Fins translucent. Numerousdots on rays and membranes of dorsal and caudalfins. Pelvic and anal fins immaculate and pectoral finwith some irregular spots. Scales embedded and with areduced and eccentric focus. Lateral line not passed endof pectoral fin. Swimbladder capsule globular but hasventral indentations anterolaterally on both sides. Smallkeels on upper and lower caudal peduncle. Anterior nostrilas a short tube. Head compressed. Mouth subterminalwith three pairs of barbels. Upper lip with fine furrows,lower lip thick and folded with a pair of medial lobes.Favors muddy bottoms with reeds. Maximum totallength 112 mm. Spawning in early summer. Eggs up to1.1 mm in diameter. Food include aquatic invertebratesand detritus.