Gr eenish-yellow background with dark spots.Belly light cream. Fins with a central black bar. Thoracicadhesive apparatus pink. Base and center of caudalfin with a wide black bar. Adipose fin black with unpigmentedmargins. Paired fins and anal fin unpigmenteddistally but yellowish proximally. A light patch on backat dorsal fin origin and insertion. Adult females darkerthan smaller males. Dorsal fin spines smooth. Pectoralfin spine dentitioned. Head and body lack striated orelongate tubercles. Thoracic adhesive apparatus longerthan wide. Pectoral fin short and not extending back topelvic fin origin. Thoracic adhesive apparatus with pinnatelateral branches and longer than wide and with acentral depression. Head and anterior adhesive apparatuspapillose. Upper lip much more papillose thanlower lip. Gut almost the same length as body length.Vomerian teeth in two patches. In fast running and shallowwaters. Maximum total length 190 mm. Reproductionin June-July. Absolute fecundity about 1300 yellowisheggs with a diameter of 1.2 mm. Food includeaquatic insect larvae and sometimes filamentous algae.