Body olive to r eddish-brown above, silvery onflanks and white below. Dorsal and caudal fins with ablackish margin. Last unbranched dorsal fin ray strongwith a low density of coarse denticles extending overmuch of ray. Mouth moderate in size and subterminal.Highly rounded snout with a little projection. Lips thin tomoderate but not fleshy and lack a median lobe. Upperlip covered partly by snout. Barbels thin, anterior barbelnot extending back beyond anterior eye margin and posteriorbarbel not reaching beyond middle of eye. Bodydepth equal to or greater than head length. Mainly in rivers,entering marshes and lakes during floods and returningback in June. Maximum total length 70 cm. Spawningin February to early March. Eggs deposited on clayor gravel bottoms. Food include aquatic insects andplants.