Back br own to bluish-green and flanks yellowishto silvery-white. Mouth moderate in size and subterminal.Lips thin to moderate and median lobe of lowerlip may be present. Barbels moderate, anterior one notextending back beyond anterior eye margin and posteriorone not beyond posterior eye margin. Pharyngeal teethspoon-shaped or pointed. Last unbranched dorsal fin raymoderate to strong with a low density of denticles alongmuch of ray. Males bear nuptial tubercles. In lowerreaches of rivers, with waters warmer than 22°C and onsandy or muddy bottoms. Maximum total length 95 cm.Sexual maturity in 3-4 years at 30 cm total length and350 g weight. Eggs released in shallow waters with astrong current, over gravel or sand, in a single batch inMarch-April. Sex ratio 1male:2females. Absolute fecundityup to 332,000 eggs with a diameter of up to 2 mm.Food include aquatic invertebrates.