Over all color yellowish-white with a row ofgrey blotches along mid-flank and a row of grey dots onposterior half of belly. All fins with grey dots exceptwhitish pelvics. Peritoneum silvery-white with scatteredmelanophores. Body short and deep. Processus dentiformisabsent. Lips furrowed, particularly lower lip. Gasbladder capsules strongly united and capsule valves proximal.Head wide and nostrils just anterior to eyes. Moutharched and lower lip with large lobules but mental lobesreduced. Stomach U-shaped and intestine short with aposterior loop. Lateral line short and does not extendposterior to level of pectoral fin. Body almost scalelessexcept for a row of minute scales on mid-flank. Maximumtotal length 75 mm. Reproduction in late summer(August-September) and non-intermittent spawner. Absolutefecundity about 2400 yellowish eggs with a diameterof up to 0.9 mm. Food include aquatic insects andplants.