Over all color mar ble. Back and flanks withroundish brown spots making 7-11 rounded dark-brownsaddles. Head and body pale yellow ventrally. A darkbrownstripe from eye to snout tip. Dorsal fin with up to4, pectoral fin with up to 6 and caudal fin with 4-5 spotrows. Anal and pelvic fins immaculate. Paired fins longand caudal peduncle short and compressed. Peritoneumbrown. Lateral line straight, on mid-flank and ends anteriorto caudal fin base. Body completely scaled especiallyon the rear half. Scales oval with a large focus. Headconical. Nostrils just anterior to eyes. Mouth has a moderatearch with long barbels. Lips and barbels have smalltubercles and fine furrows. Upper lip has a median incisionand lower lip lacks mental lobes. Processus dentiformisin upper jaw well-developed and lacks a gap inlower jaw. Males with numerous fine tubercles on headand pectoral fin rays and anterior fin rays expanded. Agroove running from eye to anterior nostril. Maximumtotal length 80 mm. Food include aquatic invertebrates.