Over all color yellowish, mottled with finebut irregular brown or black dots or blotches. Blotcheson rear of body and caudal fin tending to form bars. Ablack band continuous from front of one eye to another.Dorsal and caudal fins with thin irregular bands faintlypresent on anal and pelvic fins. Dorsal fin origin with ananterior basal spot. Dark spots at caudal fin base aboveand below body mid-line. No dermal crest fin behinddorsal fin. Microscopic scales present over whole body.Anterior pectoral fin rays thickened. Caudal pedunclethick. Swimbladder with large ovoid to circular perforationsand anterior and posterior wings. Lips not stronglyplicate and dentiform process well-developed. Gut with aposterior loop. Bands of tubercles on pectoral and tosome extent on pelvic and anal fin rays of males. Headand flank scales lined anteriorly with tubercles. An elongatetuberculated swelling on snout. Inhabit both riversand lakes. Maximum total length 92 mm. Reproductionin July-August. Absolute fecundity about 1250 yellowisheggs with a diameter of 0.6 mm. Food include aquaticinsects larvae, isopods and worms.