Over all color yellowish to olive-green withabout 10-20 dark brown bars on the flank. A stripe onmid-line of back breaks up into spots posteriorly. Midflankstripe widest and almost continuous. Ventral stripein young consists of small and irregular spots. Upperparts of head with small, irregular brownish spots. Caudalfin with three and dorsal fin with two rows of spots.Small eyes. Scales with almost central focus and onlyon the posterior part of body, well-developed on caudalpeduncle. Lateral line reaches a level up to over fronthalf of anal fin. Caudal peduncle short and deep andlacks a crest. Anus somewhat anterior to anal fin origin.Lips thick and fringed, lower lip interrupted in middle.Intestine simple with posterior part straight. No sexualdimorphism. Maximum total length 86 mm and weight8.2 g. Absolute fecundity about 650 yellowish eggs witha diameter of 1.3 mm. Food include aquatic invertebratessuch as insect larvae and isopods.