Body pale brown. Flank with 10-19 large, darkbrown blotches. Dorsal and caudal fins spots form 2-3narrow and irregular bars. Anal, pelvic and pectoral finrays with few dark brown spots. Stout and deep bodiedwith long and wide head. Depth decreasing slightly towardscaudal fin. A conspicuous hump at nape in manyindividuals. Short, triangular axillary lobe at base of pelvicfin, completely attached to body. Anus slightly infront of anal fin origin. Two, rarely one or three lateralpores in the supratemporal canal and no central pore. Nosuborbital flap or groove in males. Caudal fin slightlyemarginated. Pectoral fin short, not reaching pelvic finorigin. Dorsal adipose crest shallow. Body covered byembedded scales, except on back, in front of dorsal finand belly. Lateral line incomplete, reaching under dorsalfinbase. Anterior nostril opening on anterior side of alow, pointed and flap-like tube. Barbels short. In clearwater streams with swift current. Maximum total length80 mm and weight 8.5 g. Maturity at least at 36 mm totallength. Food include aquatic invertebrates.