Over all color olive-green, back crossed by 10-12 irregular brownish bands. A dark spot at origin of dorsalfin and 1-2 bands of small spots on distal part of fin.A narrow dark band at caudal fin base and 2 on the fin.Peritoneum black. Sides of head minutely spotted. Dorsalfin origin closer to snout. Scales absent. Lateral line endsunder dorsal fin. A rudimentary crest may be evident.Caudal fin slightly emarginated to quite forked. Pelvicfin origin somewhat behind level of dorsal fin origin.Snout blunt. Both lips fringed, upper with a slight interruption,lower with a wide interruption. Barbels variablydeveloped or absent. Posterior part of intestine with asingle loop. No sexual dimorphism. Maximum age 5years and total length 87 mm. Reproduction in April-June with a peak in May. Sex ratio 1male:1.2females.Absolute fecundity up to 1250 yellowish eggs with a diameterof up to 1.5 mm. Food include filamentous algaewith associated invertebrates.